Friday, May 1, 2009

Kind of a Book Review

Love Mercy is new book by Earlene Fowler that I recently read. I like that Mrs. Fowler can write a good mystery as well as a book that centers on characters in a community and the struggles they encounter without the book becoming overly romantic. She has a gift to be able to write from a Christian perspective, but not make it cloyingly sweet or irritating.

Earlene weaves a good story in every book she writes. I wish that I could go on a vacation to San Celina, visit the diner and the feed store. While there I could visit the Art Museum; where Benni Harper works. I don’t know if Ms. Harper still works there in the present day because that is where Love Mercy and the Benni Harper Mysteries part company. The Benni Harper series takes place in the 1990’s while Love Mercy takes place in the present day (2008). Mrs. Fowler is a master at keeping it all straight as the stories cross over and under. Benni does show up briefly, but you will be disappointed if you get this book thinking it centers on Benni.

This book has several main characters, the chiefest being Love Mercy. Love is in her 50’s and has gone through her share of hardships. She is a strong woman who gets up every day and puts one foot in front of the other. This book is so much more than that, but I don’t want to spoil it by giving it away. If you’d like to read a book written for adults that’s interesting, but clean enough your kids can pick it up and read it aloud without anyone turning red: this book is for you. While I would snatch up and read another Love Mercy series book; I am still seriously hankering to find out what’s been happening with Benni Harper.

On Ms. Fowler’s press page she has a great book review that goes into much more detail than I have.

I will leave you with one of my favorite Bible verses:

Micah 6:8

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.