Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You May Well be Wondering about the Name: Beautiful Mommy Princess…..

Well it all started on my birthday, 2005. I was awaken by the sweet voice of my four year old son who said “Happy Birthday, Beautiful Mommy Princess” while standing at the side of my bed. As the days past he kept right on calling me Beautiful Mommy Princess till his older brothers joined him in this name game. Here’s what I thought was interesting — he thought of it all by himself and it is a gift that keeps giving. Sweet words of affirmation and affection what could be better!

When you start a blog it really is hard to come up with a distinct name that expresses and encompasses all that you are or even a little bit of yourself. While I do not think of myself in the terms of Beautiful Mommy Princess; I do like that my son sees me through the rose colored glasses of love that he wears daily.